SPUR Student Success Back to School Drive - The North Shore Moms


There is so much uncertainty and stress surrounding the back-to-school season this year. For some local families this stress is compounded by their inability to afford the supplies their child needs to thrive in school. Enter Marblehead charity SPUR. SPUR is a 501(c)3 public charity, that started in 2014, when Founder Jocelyn Cook recognized a need for an organization that could inspire people to SPUR one another on toward love and good deeds.

This year SPUR aims to support 600 children in Lynn, Marblehead, Salem and Swampscott, by providing new backpacks full of school essentials through their SPUR Student Success Back to School Drive. Whether learning takes place inside a classroom or remotely, students will have one less thing to worry about knowing they are adequately equipped for academic success.


SPUR receives requests for backpacks by working closely with local school counselors, food pantry directors, social workers and homeless education liaisons. Local moms and businesses can help SPUR fill these requests by making a donation between now and August 21, 2020. To donate visit spur.community/student-success-drive (donations are tax deductible).

Sponsorship options include:
Purchase a backpack and supplies for a 9th-12th grader ($72.54)
Purchase a backpack and supplies for a 7th-8th grader ($70.02)
Purchase a backpack and supplies for a 4th-6th grader ($62.26)
Purchase a backpack and supplies for a K-3rd grader ($55.07)
Purchase school supplies ($38.68)
Purchase a backpack ($26.07)

SPUR volunteers have worked hard to secure competitive pricing and bulk order hundreds of backpacks and thousands of supplies to provide upwards of 600 children in our local communities with the new school supplies they deserve at the start of the year. In addition, to accommodate for the potential of in-school and out-of-school learning, backpacks will be also be supplied with a mask, hand sanitizer, earbud headphones and dry erase boards (K-3rd grades only). You can find the entire list of supplies in each backpack here.


Also, if you wish to help, but can’t donate financially, consider volunteering at one of SPUR’s Backpack Filling Workshops. They’ve added social distancing guidelines to ensure the safety of all people involved. Click here to learn more and to sign up for these opportunities.


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