Cindy and Stephanie are two moms and fitness enthusiasts who saw a gap in the boutique fitness model and worked together to create A Mom’s Village–a studio catering specifically to moms and focusing not only on top notch workouts but also on building community. Childcare is available for every class. Certain memberships come with extra childcare options so you can relax or work in the Mommy Lounge after you workout. Their roster of classes for both moms and kids is constantly expanding. There is a lot to love about these two North Reading moms and their business and we hope you enjoy reading our interview with them!
Where are you from originally and what town do you live in now?
Cindy: I’m originally from Fairfield, CT and I live in North Reading now.
Steph: Originally from Derry, NH and also live in North Reading!
How many children do you have and what are their age(s)?
Cindy: I have 3 boys: Tyler (7), Luke (4), and Bennett (2.5)
Steph: I have two children. Emily is 5 and James is 3.
What’s your favorite family activity on the North Shore?
Cindy: My boys love animals, so really any activity having to do with animals. Whether it’s the farm animals behind Richardson’s, the barn at Endicott Park, Connors Farm, or Brooksby, we love to visit the many farms and parks on the North Shore.
Steph: All of the wonderful festivals, farms and special activities put on by communities and businesses in the North Shore!
Where’s your favorite place to eat and/or shop on the North Shore?
Cindy: Our family loves to eat at Sol Bean Juice Bar & Kitchen in Middleton. Healthy, delicious food and a family-friendly space is a huge win in my book. For date night, my husband and I will usually pick somewhere on MarketStreet in Lynnfield, which also happens to be my favorite place to shop! I love how thoughtfully MarketStreet is put together. It’s such a perfect mix of small businesses and national players. And they’ve really nailed the “experience” at MarketStreet. You can go and spend the whole day there. Shopping, eating, playing. It’s such a great center, and even my kids love it there.
Steph: I love MarketStreet for convenience, and I love all of the local downtowns with wonderful small businesses and so much character!
What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Cindy: That I’m an extroverted introvert! When you first meet me you might think that I’m an extrovert, but I’m an introvert through and through.
Steph: I love to travel and can’t wait to bring my kids to visit and meet new friends all over the world!
You ladies are the owners of A Mom’s Village. Tell us more about your backgrounds and how you came up with the Mommy Clubhouse concept.
Cindy: I worked in Commercial Real Estate Development and Project Management before leaving the workforce to start a family. Being a stay at home mom felt really isolating, lonely, and overwhelming for me. I went in search of a community and met Steph (who shared similar feelings about motherhood) at a gym. When that gym closed, we talked about this fantasy of opening a place where moms could go to feel less alone and get a piece of themselves back. We shared our visions and our dreams for this “idea,” and that idea snowballed over the last 3 years into what it is today!
Steph: Personal need. I left my job in non-profit development after my daughter was born and spent so much time looking for a community. I wanted a place I could hang out with other moms, or play with her with other families and get a little break from the stresses of motherhood. I met my friend Cindy, who felt the same way, and through brainstorming with her and surveying all the moms we know (and so many more!) our Village was born!
What is your goal is for A Mom’s Village moving forward?
Our goal has always been to make motherhood easier and more fun. Together with our members, we have created a welcoming, supportive and fun community that gives moms confidence and allows them to get a bit of a break every single day – and the kids love it too! Our hope is to bring that to as many moms who need it as possible.
As working moms and business owners, any tips for balancing work and motherhood?
Cindy: Honestly, I try not to chase the balance. To me, balance is a see saw. There are times that I feel like I’m giving most of myself to my business, and there are times that I feel like I’m giving most of myself to my kids. I just trust (and hope) that the ebb and flow between those two points evens out in the end and that I’m doing a “good enough” job at both. But that true “ahh I feel really balanced at this exact moment” feeling isn’t something I’ve figured out.
Steph: Oh man, I wish I knew…I would bottle it and give it to everyone I know. I guess, be kind to yourself. There are only so many hours in a day, and no moms are going to be perfect, and that is (it REALLY is…) ok. Prioritize, love your family and your work and let go of anything that doesn’t serve you.
What is the best piece of mom advice you ever received?
Cindy: As a new mom with a newborn, I received the great advice to shower every day. It seems so simple, but it was life changing. Even if it was just stepping into the shower and then stepping immediately out and putting on new clothes, it resets the day and made me feel human.
Steph: Do your best. It’s so simple but every day I see so many moms just doing their best and even on the busiest, craziest days in the studio I really love taking a moment to enjoy how their children look at them, like they are made out of magic. They are not perfect. They don’t have to be.
What’s your favorite thing to do when you need some “me time”?
Cindy:I love to work out (at A Mom’s Village of course), and I absolutely love to run!
Steph: I really love hanging out with friends laughing and catching up. I also love working out (at A Mom’s Village!) reading and skiing.